Sunday, April 11, 2021

Willing Service

       A musician is not recommended for playing long, but for playing well; it is obeying God willingly, that is accepted; the Lord hates that which is forced, it is rather a tax than an offering. Cain served God grudgingly; he brought his sacrifice, not his heart. To obey God's commandments unwillingly is like the devils who came out of the man possessed, at Christ's command, but with reluctancy and against their will. Good duties must not be pressed and beaten out of us, as the waters came out of the rock when Moses smote it with his rod; but must freely drop from us, as myrrh from the tree, or honey from the comb. If a willing mind be wanting, there wants obedience, and make it a sweet-smelling savor unto to God. - T. Watson.

Monday, October 8, 2018

Falling Of Angel Tears

   And David spake unto the Lord when he saw the angel that smote the people, and said: Lo! I have sinned and done wickedly. II Samuel, 24:17

How loving are the angels to men; for they rejoice over one sinner that repenteth. There she is in that garret where the stars look between the styles. She is dying fast; but she cries, "Lord, I repent! Have mercy upon me, I beseech Thee." Did the bells ring in the street? Did men rejoice? An no! But, stay! There was one standing at her bedside who noted well that tear, --an angel who had come down from heaven to watch over this stray sheep, and mark its return; and no sooner was her prayer uttered than he clapped his wings, and there was seen flying up to the pearly gates a spirit like a star. The heavenly guards came crowding to the gate, crying: "What news, O son of fire? Has she turned to Christ?" "'Tis even so," said he. And then they told it through the streets to other bright angels, and the bells of heaven rang marriage peals, for Magdalene was saved.  Rev. C. H. Spurgeon.

Oh, for the sacred energy which struck
The harp of Jesse's son; or for a spark
Of that celestial flame which touched the lips
Of blest Isaiah, when the seraphim
With living fire descended, and his soul
From sin's pollution purged!

Hannah More

Angels to beckon me
Nearer, my God, to Thee,
Nearer to Thee!

Sarah Flower Adams

Chorus from Kenya sings, "Nearer My God To Thee"

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Christ Is In Heaven

       Heaven would not be all that we love unless Christ was there. I would be unhappy, when I got to heaven, if I could not find him there who redeemed me, who died for me, who bought me with his own blood. Some one asked a Christian man once, what he expected to do when he got to heaven? He said he expected to spend the first thousand years in looking at Jesus Christ, and after that he would look for Peter, and then for James, and for John; and all the time he could conceive of would be joyfully filled with looking upon these great persons. But oh, it seems to me that one look at Jesus Christ will more than reward us for all that we have ever done for him down here; for all the sacrifices we can possibly make for him, just to see him; and not only that, but we shall become like him when we once have seen him, because we shall be like the Master himself. Jesus, the Savior of the world, will be there. We shall see him face to face. - D. L. Moody

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Behind The Purdah

       A young married woman, wife of a Mohammedan, was lying ill in one of the mission hospitals in North India. While there she was daily taught of the love and compassion of the Savior, and she soon desired to know and serve Him. Her husband was told of her wish and was exceedingly angry and had her removed immediately from the hospital. He prohibited the mission ladies from visiting her. But just before the conveyance came to take her away she called the doctor and missionary to her and said:

"I can be taken away from you, but not from Christ, for I can pray to Him even behind the purdah, but I want you to remember my desire. You know Jesus well, I only know Him a little; when you meet me at the judgment seat of heaven, just go to Him and tell Him who I am and how anxious I was to publicly confess Him on earth. Make it plain to Him, please." 

Friday, June 1, 2018

Tiring Of Virtue?

       We have come to a time when multitudes are tired of law, and duty, honor, justice, and the old solid and substantial virtues of the fathers. Now and then this rebellious mood voices itself in the lips of some restless youth who exclaims boldly, "I hate the very word duty." Men are become like the cattle in the clover-field, that once the appetite is satisfied, tire of walking around knee-deep in rich, luscious grasses, and stick their heads through the fence, to strain toward the dog's kennel in the dusty lane. It is a singular fact that a colt in the field, up to its ears in clover, as soon as it has eaten and is full, envies the poor old forsaken horse, out in the lane, a mere bag of bones, deserted by its owner and left to die, and eating dirt in its hungry desire for a single mouthful of grass-roots. - Hillis

Then he said to me, "Prophesy to these bones and say to them, 'Dry bones, hear the word of the LORD! Ezekiel 37:4

 "Can't Keep a Good Man Down" sung by Newsong

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Necessity And Progress

When God told Moses to speak to the children of Israel and bid them go forward there was another urgency to reinforce this injunction. The chariots of Egypt were behind them; they must go forward or die.

Has not the greater part of human progress been due to necessities urging from behind and below - hunger, necessity for shelter, climates, hardships, trials. By all these God has ever been driving men up out of their Egypt of sloth and slavery toward a higher destiny.

"The Necessity of an Enemy Part 1", from the series
 "Fight to Win". Destined to Win with Pastor Frank Santora

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

The Call Of God

In the summer of 1871, Rev. Robert W. McAlI and his wife, visiting Paris at the close of the war with Germany, and led by a deep desire to reach workingmen with the gospel, were giving away tracts in the hotels and on the public streets, when a working-man said: "If any one will come among us and teach us not a gospel of priestcraft and superstition, but of truth and liberty, many of us are ready to hear."

       Mr. McAll returned home, but above the murmur of the waves and the hum of busy life he heard that voice, "If any one will come and teach us ... we are ready to hear." He said to himself, "Is this God's call? Shall I go?" Friends said, "No!" But a voice within said, "Yes." And he left his English parish and went back, and in a district worse to work in than St. Giles in London he began to tell the old story of Jesus. Soon the little place was crowded, and a larger room became a necessity; and sixteen years later that one gospel hall has become 112, in which, in one year, have been held 14,000 religious meetings, with a million hearers, and 4,000 services for children, with 200,000 attendants. - Pierson, "The Miracles of Missions."

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Accidental Success

       Protogenes, the Greek painter, was an impatient man. In painting a picture of a tired, panting dog, he met with satisfactory success except that he failed in every attempt to imitate the foam that should have been seen on the dog's mouth. He was so much provoked over it, that he seized the sponge with which he cleansed his brushes, and threw it against the picture with the intention of spoiling it. It happened to strike on the dog's mouth, and produced, to the astonishment and delight of the painter, the very effect that he had labored so persistently to imitate. Frank H. Stauffer, The Epoch. 

 A master painter sometimes will make a happy accident but that is not what defines him as a true artist. A true master painter can and does repeat exactly the action that he or she knows will result in the affect needed. Make sure that your successes are not based upon mere accidents. Live intentionally a life that reflects the practice of living like Jesus.

 "When Someone Offends You"


If all difference could be atoned as easily as that described in this extract from the Popular Magazine, much bloodshed would be saved:

Not long ago a Paris journalist, who had by some criticism offended a politician, received from him the following letter:

       "Sir--One does not send a challenge to a bandit for your species: one simply administers a cuff on the ears. Therefore, I hereby cuff both your ears. Be grateful to me for not having recourse to weapons
       "Yours truly, _______"

The journalist answered:

       "My Dear Sir and Adversary -- I thank you, according to your wish, for having sent me cuffs by post, instead of slaughtering me with weapons. Cuffed by post, I respond by dispatching you by post six bullets in the head. I kill you by letter. Please consider yourself dead from the first line of this epistle.
       "With a respectful salutation to your corpse, I am, 
       "Very truly yours, ________"

The intent to kill is present. Is not that reckoned in morals as bad as the overt act?

More On Malice:

Accidental Discovery

       Argand, the inventor of the famous lamp which bears his name, had been experimenting for some time in trying to increase the light given out by his lamp, but all to no purpose. On a table before him one night lay an oil-flask which had accidentally got the bottom broken off, leaving a long-necked, funnel-shaped tube. This Argand took up carelessly from the table and placed almost without thought, as he afterward related, over the flame. A brilliant white light was the magical result. It is needless to add that the hint was not lost by the experimenter, who proceeded to put his discovery into practical use by "inventing" the common glass lamp-chimney. Hundreds of discoveries which have been heralded to the world as the acme of human genius have been the result of merest accident, the auger, calico printing and vulcanization of rubber being among the number. 

Friday, July 3, 2015

Hardship Vicariously Borne

       Many, many years ago a fierce war raged in India between the English and Tipu Sahib. On one occasion several English officers were taken prisoners. Among them was one named Baird. One day the native officer brought in fetters to be put upon each of the prisoners, the wounded not excepted. Baird had been severely wounded and was suffering from pain and weakness.
       A gray-haired officer said to the native official, "You do not think of putting chains upon that wounded man?"
       "There are just as many pairs of fetters as there are prisoners," was the answer, "and every pair must be worn."
       "Then," said the noble officer, "put two pairs on me. I will wear his as well as my own." This was done. Strange to say, Baird lived to regain his freedom, and lived to take that city; but his noble, unselfish friend died in prison.
       Up to his death, he wore two pairs of fetters. But what if he had worn the fetters of all the prisoners? What if, instead of being captive himself, he had quitted a glorious palace, to live in their loathsome dungeon, to wear their chains, to bear their stripes, to suffer and die for them, that they might go free, and free forever? Sophie Bronson Titterington

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Hidden Sins

Donald Sage Mackay, in "The Religion of the Threshold," writes in substance as follows:

       Henry Drummond vividly describes the ravages of the African white ant. One may never see the insect possibly in the flesh, for it lives underground. But its ravages confront one at every turn. You build your house, perhaps, and for a few months fancy you have pitched on the one solitary site in the country where there are no white ants. But one day suddenly the door-post totters, and lintel and rafter come down together with a crash. You look at a section of the wrecked timbers and discover that the whole inside is eaten clean away. The apparently solid logs of which the rest of the house is built are now mere cylinders of bark, and through the thickest of them you can push your little finger. It is a vivid picture of the way in which concealed sins eat out the pith of the soul. To the outward eye everything may remain the same, but the fiber of character has been punctured through and through, till the whole nature is corroded. Speaking at TED in 1998, Rev. Billy Graham marvels at technology's power to improve lives and change the world -- but says the end of evil, suffering and death will come only after the world accepts Christ. A legendary talk from TED's archives.