Tuesday, December 24, 2024

The Unknown God

 The Unknown God by George William Russell

Far up the dim twilight fluttered
Moth wings of vapour and flame:
The lights danced over the mountains,
Star after star they came.

The lights grew thicker unheeded,
For silent and still were we;
Our hearts were drunk with a beauty
Our eyes could never see.

Friday, November 8, 2024

Altruism In Nature

        ''The flower does not live for itself. Beautiful, fragrant-making, the tree an incense-holder, hang the apple-blossoms for a day; tomorrow they have let go their hold upon the tree and are scattered over the ground in order that the fruit may grow. The fruit guards the seed until it is mature, then the fruit goes to decay that the seed may be released; the seed gives up its life that a new tree may come. What a glorious parable is this: life for life, the old dying for the new; every tree in the orchard, every grain-stalk in the corn-field, every dusty weed by the roadside living for others and ready to die for others. The doctrine of unselfish love and of sacrifice comes to us fragrant with the odor of ten thousand blossoms and rich with the yellow fruitage of ten thousand harvests. Self-preservation is no longer the first law of nature. The first law seems to be preparation for that which is coming next.'' John K. Willey.

"For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." Mark 10:45

Friday, November 1, 2024


        It is told of Professor Huxley that once, when the British Association met in Dublin, he arrived late in the city; fearing to miss the president's address, he rushed from the train to the station platform, jumped on a jaunting-car, and said to the Celt in charge, "Drive fast; I'm in a hurry." Cabby whipt up his horse and proved to be another Jehu. Suddenly it flashed upon the passenger, bounding about the vehicle in a most undignified way, to shout to the driver above the rattle of the car, "Do you know where I want to go?" "No, yer honor," was Pat's laughing rejoinder, "but I'm driving fast all the while."

There are many who keep up a great activity, but who, for want of a definite aim or a great guiding ideal, accomplish little good in the world.

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Uses of Affliction

 The Scriptures say that "It is good to be afflicted," and experience has her own confirmatory word:

       The waters go out over the fields, leaving a waste, where pasture and corn-field had been, and then gradually subside. What have the waters done? Have they ruined the labors of the year? They who do not know Egypt might think so indeed, but the peasants know that to that yearly flood they owe the fertility of the land, that it is that which makes the crops grow and enables them to gather in the harvest. So it is with the river of the grace of God: the waters at times overflow their banks, and one seems to be overwhelmed; the soul is borne down by the flood, all her fruitful land is covered by the waters - waters of desolation, bereavement, affliction. 'I am overwhelmed, undone; God has smitten me; my life is all wrong; I shall never smile again." Nay, the flood which terrifies thee is the water of the river of God. The water is washing away the impurity of thy soul, giving thee fertility; the fruits of love, patience, charity, shall grow now; it is not a flood of desolation, but of blessing and fruitfulness.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Dispise Not The Little Things

        A plainly dressed woman was noticed to be picking up something in the street; a poor slum street, where ragged, barefooted little children were accustomed to play. The policeman on the beat noticed the woman's action, and watched her very suspiciously. Several times he saw her stoop and pick up something and hide it in her apron. Finally he went up to her, and with a gruff voice and threatening manner demanded: " What are you carrying off in your apron?" The timid woman did not answer at first, whereupon the policeman, thinking she must have found something valuable, threatened her with arrest if she did not show him what she had in her apron. The woman opened her apron and revealed a handful of broken glass. "What do you want with that stuff?" asked the policeman. The woman replied: "I just thought I'd like to take it out of the way of the children's feet." Dear soul, she was doing what she could. How much sweeter the world would be if each of us would be careful to save the bare feet of the young and the weak!

''Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin, to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel's hand.'' Zechariah 4:10


Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Manhood Recognized

 Jesus saw in the meanest man the possibilities of character. This is what Charles Wagner urges us to do in the following extract:

      '' Maintain toward the poor man and the infirm a courtesy, an attentiveness; find in your heart and in your love a sign that makes him recollect that he is a man. His misery is like a tomb in which self-respect sleeps buried. It is something to respect this tomb, to approach it with piety, to care for it and to keep a flower growing there; but each of these attentions is addrest to one that is dead, shows that you accept his death, and that you confirm it. Do more and do better. Remember that it is a living man that lies under the dust, slowly amassed, of days of suffering. Breathe upon this dust, disengage the human form; speak to Lazarus and make him come forth from the shrouds that surround him, from the night that covers him,'' "The Gospel of Life."

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Willing Service

       A musician is not recommended for playing long, but for playing well; it is obeying God willingly, that is accepted; the Lord hates that which is forced, it is rather a tax than an offering. Cain served God grudgingly; he brought his sacrifice, not his heart. To obey God's commandments unwillingly is like the devils who came out of the man possessed, at Christ's command, but with reluctancy and against their will. Good duties must not be pressed and beaten out of us, as the waters came out of the rock when Moses smote it with his rod; but must freely drop from us, as myrrh from the tree, or honey from the comb. If a willing mind be wanting, there wants obedience, and make it a sweet-smelling savor unto to God. - T. Watson.

Monday, October 8, 2018

Falling Of Angel Tears

   And David spake unto the Lord when he saw the angel that smote the people, and said: Lo! I have sinned and done wickedly. II Samuel, 24:17

How loving are the angels to men; for they rejoice over one sinner that repenteth. There she is in that garret where the stars look between the styles. She is dying fast; but she cries, "Lord, I repent! Have mercy upon me, I beseech Thee." Did the bells ring in the street? Did men rejoice? An no! But, stay! There was one standing at her bedside who noted well that tear, --an angel who had come down from heaven to watch over this stray sheep, and mark its return; and no sooner was her prayer uttered than he clapped his wings, and there was seen flying up to the pearly gates a spirit like a star. The heavenly guards came crowding to the gate, crying: "What news, O son of fire? Has she turned to Christ?" "'Tis even so," said he. And then they told it through the streets to other bright angels, and the bells of heaven rang marriage peals, for Magdalene was saved.  Rev. C. H. Spurgeon.

Oh, for the sacred energy which struck
The harp of Jesse's son; or for a spark
Of that celestial flame which touched the lips
Of blest Isaiah, when the seraphim
With living fire descended, and his soul
From sin's pollution purged!

Hannah More

Angels to beckon me
Nearer, my God, to Thee,
Nearer to Thee!

Sarah Flower Adams

Chorus from Kenya sings, "Nearer My God To Thee"

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Christ Is In Heaven

       Heaven would not be all that we love unless Christ was there. I would be unhappy, when I got to heaven, if I could not find him there who redeemed me, who died for me, who bought me with his own blood. Some one asked a Christian man once, what he expected to do when he got to heaven? He said he expected to spend the first thousand years in looking at Jesus Christ, and after that he would look for Peter, and then for James, and for John; and all the time he could conceive of would be joyfully filled with looking upon these great persons. But oh, it seems to me that one look at Jesus Christ will more than reward us for all that we have ever done for him down here; for all the sacrifices we can possibly make for him, just to see him; and not only that, but we shall become like him when we once have seen him, because we shall be like the Master himself. Jesus, the Savior of the world, will be there. We shall see him face to face. - D. L. Moody

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Behind The Purdah

       A young married woman, wife of a Mohammedan, was lying ill in one of the mission hospitals in North India. While there she was daily taught of the love and compassion of the Savior, and she soon desired to know and serve Him. Her husband was told of her wish and was exceedingly angry and had her removed immediately from the hospital. He prohibited the mission ladies from visiting her. But just before the conveyance came to take her away she called the doctor and missionary to her and said:

"I can be taken away from you, but not from Christ, for I can pray to Him even behind the purdah, but I want you to remember my desire. You know Jesus well, I only know Him a little; when you meet me at the judgment seat of heaven, just go to Him and tell Him who I am and how anxious I was to publicly confess Him on earth. Make it plain to Him, please." 

Friday, June 1, 2018

Tiring Of Virtue?

       We have come to a time when multitudes are tired of law, and duty, honor, justice, and the old solid and substantial virtues of the fathers. Now and then this rebellious mood voices itself in the lips of some restless youth who exclaims boldly, "I hate the very word duty." Men are become like the cattle in the clover-field, that once the appetite is satisfied, tire of walking around knee-deep in rich, luscious grasses, and stick their heads through the fence, to strain toward the dog's kennel in the dusty lane. It is a singular fact that a colt in the field, up to its ears in clover, as soon as it has eaten and is full, envies the poor old forsaken horse, out in the lane, a mere bag of bones, deserted by its owner and left to die, and eating dirt in its hungry desire for a single mouthful of grass-roots. - Hillis

Then he said to me, "Prophesy to these bones and say to them, 'Dry bones, hear the word of the LORD! Ezekiel 37:4

 "Can't Keep a Good Man Down" sung by Newsong

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Necessity And Progress

When God told Moses to speak to the children of Israel and bid them go forward there was another urgency to reinforce this injunction. The chariots of Egypt were behind them; they must go forward or die.

Has not the greater part of human progress been due to necessities urging from behind and below - hunger, necessity for shelter, climates, hardships, trials. By all these God has ever been driving men up out of their Egypt of sloth and slavery toward a higher destiny.

"The Necessity of an Enemy Part 1", from the series
 "Fight to Win". Destined to Win with Pastor Frank Santora